
About Me

          My name is Melissa. I am proudly married to a Soldier in the US Army and we have 3 kids together.  I am originally from Florida, but have since been to Ft. Carson and we are now at Ft. Campbell and have been for the past 2 1/2 years or so.  This life isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I love it and I have a lot of support here, so it makes this life easier. :)
          I am a CNA, although at the moment it is easier to not have an added work schedule on top of my crazy & already overfull life.  I am a stay at home mom of an over dramatic, cheer leading 7 year old; a very stubborn, hard headed 5 year old (she has epilepsy so I would be too) and a hyper active, dare devil 2 year old boy.  So, when I am not cleaning, cooking, dispensing medication, going to appointments, curricular activities, playing chauffeur and taking care of kids and my dogs I get bored. 

           When I get bored I craft.  I love making things for my kids and I love hand made home decor and such.  Which makes sense, I always loved art class in school, I was always making things for friends and family and I actually liked putting together school projects. (I know I'm a weirdo) I usually just post my crafts and projects on FB, but because of lots of encouragement from my step mom I started this blog for that as well.  Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it! =)